Summer dog grooming: Keeping your pup cool and comfortable

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Summer dog grooming: Keeping your pup cool and comfortable

Summer is a fantastic time to enjoy the outdoors with your dog, but the hot weather can present challenges for keeping your pooch comfortable. Grooming plays a crucial role in your dog's health and happiness during the summer months. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about summer dog grooming, from haircuts to grooming routines and tools.

Does my dog need a haircut?

Not all dogs need a summer haircut, but it can be beneficial for some breeds. Dogs with thick, heavy coats may find it harder to regulate their body temperature in hot weather. Trimming their coat can help keep them cooler and more comfortable. However, it's essential to know that not all dogs benefit from a haircut. In fact, for some breeds, clipping their fur can do more harm than good.

Yorkie photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels

Should I take my dog to the groomer or is it OK to do it myself?

Taking your dog to a professional groomer ensures a high-quality grooming session, especially if your dog requires specific styling or has a coat that’s difficult to manage. Professional groomers have the right tools and expertise to handle different coat types and grooming needs safely.

However, if you prefer to groom your dog at home, ensure that you have the proper tools and knowledge to avoid injuring your dog or damaging their coat. Start slowly and be patient, particularly if your dog is not used to being groomed. You can find a range of home dog grooming tools in the Gravitis Pet Supplies shop to help you get started.

Which dog breeds need to be clipped in the summer?

Breeds with thick, dense fur often benefit from trimming throughout the year but it can be cut slightly shorter during the summer months. These breeds include:

  • Bichon Frise
  • Maltese
  • Pomeranian
  • Shih Tzu
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • West Highland Terrier
  • Poodle (and poodle mix)
  • Cocker Spaniel

A trim can help these dogs stay cool, but make sure you don’t trim off too much and always leave enough fur to protect them from the sun.

Shaggy dog photo by Matthias Zomer on Pexels

Which dog breeds should not be clipped?

Double-coated breeds should generally not be clipped, as their coats are designed to protect them from both heat and cold. Shaving can damage their coat and interfere with their natural cooling process. These breeds include:

  • Husky
  • Malamute
  • German Shepherd
  • Sheltie
  • Akita

Instead of clipping, focus on regular brushing to remove loose undercoat and help with airflow.

Dogs with naturally short coats shouldn’t need clipping at any time of the year, but may benefit from regular brushing to remove any dirt or loose hair as they shed their winter coat. These include:

  • Boxer
  • Beagle
  • Bull Terrier
  • Whippet
  • Great Dane
  • Greyhound

How often should I groom my dog during the summer?

The frequency of grooming depends on your dog’s breed and coat type. Generally, aim for:

  • Daily brushing for breeds with long or thick coats to prevent matting and remove loose fur.
  • Weekly brushing for short-haired breeds.
  • Monthly baths (or as needed) to keep their coat clean and free from allergens.
  • Regular trims for breeds that need it, every 6-8 weeks.
  • Our Gravitis professional dog grooming set is a great place to start if you want to begin grooming your dog at home
Viszla photo by Liesbeth Koopmans on Pexels

What are the best grooming tools for keeping my dog's coat in good condition?

Having the right tools can make grooming easier and more effective. Here are some must-haves:

  • Deshedding tool: Perfect for double-coated breeds to remove undercoat fur.If you have a really hairy dog you might want to de-shed at home with a deshedding tool and a Gravitis blaster dryer to help blast the fur.
  • Clippers: If you're trimming your dog at home, invest in a high-quality pair of clippers.
  • Scissors: Use these for delicate trimming around the face and paws. We have some great scissor sets for home or salon use
  • Shampoo and conditioner: Choose a gentle, dog-specific shampoo and conditioner to keep your dog’s coat clean and healthy. We sell a range of bath tubs designed specifically for dogs.
  • Grooming table: If you’re going to be grooming your dog at home why not check out our range of grooming tables which make it easier to dry, trim and brush your dog. With non-slip grooming surfaces, portable folding options and accessories to help hold your dog and your grooming gear firmly in place.
Poodle photo by Jack Geoghegan on Pexels

Summer dog grooming routine

A consistent grooming routine can help keep your dog comfortable during the hot summer months. Here’s a simple routine to follow:

  1. Daily brushing: Spend a few minutes each day brushing your dog to remove loose fur and prevent tangles.
  2. Check for ticks and fleas: Summer is peak season for pests, so regularly check your dog’s skin and coat. Using a spot-on treatment programme can help prevent ticks from getting on board in the first place. Supervised flea and treatments from your vet are much more effective than anything that you can buy online or instore and will save money in the long term.
  3. Regular baths: Bathe your dog every 4-6 weeks with a dog-specific shampoo.
  4. Ear cleaning: Clean your dog’s ears weekly to prevent infections, especially if they swim often.
  5. Nail trimming: Keep your dog’s claws trimmed to avoid discomfort and potential injuries.
Dalmatian photo by Bethany Ferr on Pexels

How else can I keep my dog cool in the summer?

In addition to regular grooming, there are other ways to help your dog stay cool:

  • Provide plenty of water: Always have fresh water available to keep your dog hydrated.
  • Shade and shelter: Ensure your dog has access to shaded areas and cool spots to rest.
  • Avoid midday heat: Walk your dog early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are cooler.
  • Cooling mats and vests: Use cooling mats or vests to help regulate your dog’s body temperature.
  • Doggy paddling pools: You can buy paddling pools for your dog that are designed specifically for your pup. The Gravitis Pet Paddling Pool is constructed from non-toxic, scratch-resistant PVC with a reinforced, non-slip floor. The rigid side panels help the pool to keep its shape even when it is empty, and it is much tougher than a standard paddling pool. It is easy to drain, fold and store and comes in three sizes: Medium, Large and Extra Large.
  • Hydrating treats: Offer frozen treats or ice cubes to help cool them down. If you’re out with your dog, many ice cream vans now sell ice cream that is especially designed for dogs, which they may enjoy.

By following these tips and maintaining a regular grooming routine, you can help your dog stay cool, comfortable, and healthy throughout the summer. If you’ve got any summer dog care or grooming tips you’d like to share, please let us know in the comments section below.

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