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How to help your dog through a storm
Last weekend the UK was battered by two huge storms that caused chaos and brought parts of the country to a standstill. Trees fell, power lines were severed, there were high winds, flooding and icy cold temperatures – but how did your dog cope with it all? Many dogs in the UK are negatively affected by storms, typically it is the noise of thunder and lightning that distresses them the most, in the same way that fireworks or other sudden loud noises might. However any disruption to their routine or something different at home – such as a power cut -...
Some tips for keeping your pets safe from fireworks
Next Friday - 5th November - is Bonfire Night here in the UK - a time when folks gather together, light fires, burn effigies and let off fireworks to commemorate a foiled plot by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. Some argue that the trend for lighting fires at this time of year is also derived from the earlier Gaelic festival of Samhain, but - whatever the reasons - our pets definitely don’t care. They’re more concerned about the unexpected flashes and bangs going on outside the window than who is lighting them and why....
Is your dog frightened of fireworks? Ten tips for surviving bonfire night
Many dogs are frightened of fireworks and this year we are expecting to see a surge in back garden displays, as most major displays are cancelled and many areas of the UK are experiencing limits on gatherings or tiered lockdowns due to coronavirus. So you may find more fireworks going off closer to home than usual. With this in mind, we have ten top tips for helping you to survive fireworks season this year. 1. Keep you dog indoors This usually goes without saying, but with more home displays going on, it may be difficult to judge when people are going to...
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