pet ownership RSS
Unleashing Wellness: The Therapeutic Benefits of Pet Ownership
Since we wrote our article about the surge in pet ownership in Britain last June, pet ownership in the UK has increased even further. According to the Pet Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA) 13 million UK households now own a pet dog and 12 million own a pet cat. You can find out how these statistics compare with the rest of the world in this fascinating article by the World Animal Foundation. But why do we all love our pets so much? Calico cat photo by Amiya Nanda on Pexels The Magic of Companionship The emotional support that we derive from our...
A nation of animal lovers: pet ownership in Britain today
A new poll by Attest has revealed what we probably knew all along, Britain is still a nation of animal lovers. 65% of British pet owners have dogs and 41% have cats. More than half of pet owners let their pets sleep in their bed and think nothing of buying the best pet food for their ‘fur babies.’ More time at home and space to re-evaluate what is important played a key part in 11% of Brits deciding to get a new pet during the pandemic. Most pet owners (40%) have just the one pet at home, followed by 2...
Six out of ten people prefer spending time with their puppy than their partner
According to a new study, it takes the average puppy and kitten owner more than three months to get used to owning their new pet. But despite all the hard work, 78% of new pet owners said that they now considered their pet to be their best friend and six out of ten said that they preferred spending time with their pet more than their partner! Pets at Home surveyed 2,000 UK adults who bought a puppy or kitten over the last 12 months. They found that during the first few days of owning a pet, 58% of owners said...
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