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cats, cold weather, dogs, pet health -

Although winter can be a fun time for some pets, with crips frosty mornings and lots of snuggling indoors close to a fire or radiator, for some breeds it can be tough - and sometimes problems aren't always easy to spot. So this week we've compiled a list highlighting some wintery hazards to avoid, along with some top tips to help you to keep your cat or dog warm, happy and safe during the winter months. Winter survival tips for cats  Whilst most cats prefer to stay snuggled up indoors during the winter months, they will still need to venture outside and if you cat is...

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cats, christmas, Christmas wellbeing, dogs, Pet clothing -

The Christmas jumper has seen a surge in popularity amongst humans in recent years, but is it really appropriate to dress your dog or cat up too? Whilst it is clear that some items of pet clothing are very useful in keeping our pets warm and dry - or making them more visible in the dark, the RSPCA has expressed some concern about whether dressing pets up in human-style clothing may be cruel.  Prioritise Happiness When making a decision about whether to dress your pet, you should prioritise their happiness and wellbeing - and quite often, it depends on the...

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cats, dogs, Facebook, kittens, Lockdown, Pet snail, puppies -

In the news this week: Animal charities are warning people to be wary of irresponsible breeders selling puppies and kittens on Facebook, due to the unprecedented demand for pets in the UK during lockdown. Facebook rules clearly state that you are not allowed to buy and sell pets on their site but an investigation by the BBC this week has found many puppies and kittens being offered for sale on the popular social media platform. Now animal charities are telling buyers to beware. Not only because it is wrong to buy a pet on Facebook, but because some of the ads could...

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cats, dogs, pet photography -

A recent study has revealed that UK pet owners now take more photos of their pets than of their family. The survey by Towergate Insurance asked 1,000 dog and cat owners across the UK about their snapping habits and found that people are now taking more pictures of their pets than ever before. Because many of us have been spending more time with our pets during lockdown we have been taking more photos of them too – and we’ve been snapping them more than anything else. Those surveyed said they took more photos of their pets than their family, partner,...

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dogs, puppy, puppy diaries -

This is the fourth instalment of our puppy diary, featuring Murdock the lurcher puppy, with candid insights and practical tips on welcoming a dog into your home. 6 Month Milestones This is our fourth month of owning Murdock and he is now 6 months old. He has started to calm down a little and is jumping up and biting less now that he has lost all of his tiny, needle-like puppy teeth and his adult teeth have almost all come through. He does still like to chew things he shouldn’t, especially the children’s toys, gloves and shoes so we have...

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