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cats, dogs, pet etiquette, pets -

In a world where pets are cherished members of the family, it's essential to understand the unspoken rules of pet etiquette when interacting with someone else's furry friend. Whether it's a playful pup or a graceful feline, respecting boundaries and showing consideration are key to ensuring positive interactions for both you and the pet owner. Which is why, this week we’re taking a look at how to navigate pet etiquette and avoid common faux pas when engaging with other people's pets. 1. Always ask for permission The cardinal rule of pet etiquette is to always ask for permission before interacting...

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choosing a dog, Dog behaviour, dog breeds, dogs -

Bringing a dog into your life is a decision that comes with boundless joy and a few important considerations. Just as our own personalities and lifestyles differ, so do the temperaments and needs of various dog breeds. For most people, a dog is more than just a pet; they become a cherished member of our family, offering companionship, loyalty, and a unique kind of love. Finding a dog that aligns with your lifestyle, activity levels, and living situation is not only essential for your dog’s well-being but also paramount for yours too, in order to foster a harmonious and fulfilling...

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cats, cold weather, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, snow -

This week, most of the UK has experienced freezing temperatures with ice, frost and snow falling in many areas. Unlike some countries we’re not always sure what to do when we get a bit of snow as it doesn’t happen every year and we can often find ourselves ill-equipped to deal with it. Cold weather can also pose unique challenges for your pets, but with proper care and attention, you can make sure that they stay warm and cosy even in extreme conditions! This week we’re taking a look at how to you can take care of dogs, cats, rabbits,...

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Happy New Year! We hope you and your pets enjoyed the festive season and didn’t put on too many pounds overindulging. Now January is here, it’s time to take down the decorations and some of us may be making some resolutions or holiday plans as we look past the gloomy weather at what 2024 may have in store for us and our animals. Here to inspire you, as always, this week we are kicking off the year with a bumper blog with 24 tips for happy and healthy pets in 2024.  Yoga dog photo by Cottonbro studio on Pexels 6...

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christmas, Christmas wellbeing -

Welcome to part two of our festive blog, looking at how you can keep your pets safe and happy during the festive period. Last week we looked at physical wellbeing, including food and drink that pets should never have, along with non-edible Christmas hazards including decorations and candles that can cause problems for cats and dogs. We also talked about giving your guests some ground rules when it comes to sharing food or handing out treats. This week we’re looking at how to protect both you and your pet’s mental and emotional wellbeing during what can be a very stressful...

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